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    wealthy while planning for your retirement

At gowealthy, we don’t call it downsizing, we call it life styling because retirement doesn’t have to be the end of your business life, it is a long and enjoyable holiday and an upgrade to your lifestyle.

When it comes to choosing your lifestyle home, we understand that size matters and that your home should be an upgrade and not a downgrade. We take the time to really understand what matters to you from convenience, location, views and amenities to that extra space for the grandkids when sleeping over.

Planning for your retirement home shouldn’t start a couple of years before you retire. Investing in a property that has all your retirement requirements could make your retirement transaction much easier and more affordable.

Your investment will generate a rental income and ensure long-term value and growth over the years. Once you have decided that its time to enjoy your new lifestyle, it is just a matter of moving in, saving you purchasing at a much higher price should you wait until retirement.


With 30 years of experience in assisting thousands of clients, we understand the property market. We do our research and base our recommendations on facts. We prepare a ‘Buyer’s Guide’ tailored to your requirements and specific needs and present it to you in our meeting.


This provides a thorough understanding of the market before you make the investment decision and allows you to confidently select from the options we provide you adding value to your property portfolio and long-term value and growth.


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